Register for IBA's Breakfast Briefing in Dublin

Join Dr Stuart Hatcher and the IBA team for our Breakfast Briefing. We’ll be sharing a round-up of 2022 and our predictions for 2023, as well as a range of insights across economics, airlines, and the trading landscape. Join us on Tuesday 17th January in Dublin. This briefing is perfect for attendees at January’s Airline Economics and Airfinance Journal events.

Topics covered include:

What will the current economic outlook mean for aviation in 2023 and beyond?

Will airline failures get back to trend in 2023?

Where is key capacity growth coming from?

How is the trading landscape evolving?

How are inflation, interest rates and market strength affecting pricing?


We will end with a collaborative Q&A session, giving you the chance to share your perspectives and burning questions.

When and where to join us:

SSG College Hall (First Floor, Room 123)

The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

123 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, D02 YN77, Ireland


Breakfast & refreshments from 8:00am

Briefing from 08:30am

Networking and Q&A from 09:00am